Biography of a Space Tyrant
If you want to know the true horrible stories about Rachel and jessica, please read on, otherwise you can turn your head away in disgust.
Jessica was born a long time ago in a faraway city (Brooklyn)
and moved to california when she was still a tot. currently she is a very
bored and tired student at UCI, and only finds joy in her listeners and in the
adorable men in the KUCI staff.
Rachel is a native Californian, so there! Jessica : P'
Rachel is a boring student at UCI. She also knows when she makes
mistakes and says stupid, lame jokes and such, but she really doesn't care.
Rachel is charming that way. But not at all pretenious. I SWEAR! Don't
ever let her hear that i said that! Please!!! you don't know what she can
do! um, i have to go, uh...Rachel is sooo cool. I'm in love with her. um,
actually I think jessica is way cooler, crescent-fresh, even. AND DON'T
But she could never compete with Rachel, cuz Rachel's the bee's knees
baby. yeah!
For all you fans out there (yeah, both of you) who love our show:
Please call (949)824-5824, email us, send smoke signals, contact us through morse code, telegram (singing or otherwise) or just come on down to the station (no stalkers please, we already have the position filled) to show us that you care. Please hurry. The date of our suicide pact is drawing nigh.
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